A Personal and Deep Message To My Friends, Haters, Fans, and Family Alike

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I REALLY appreciate what some of you write me. Most of it is sexual of course, but there are those that have really touched me and it warms me that some of the shit that I say helps you deal with issues of your own. Whatever I can do to help you, I will cherish. Truly. Don’t be a sheep… you deserve happiness and to be free. We’ve all been suicidal at one point. We’ve all cried and hit the wall because we saw no continuation of our life. Hang on, you got this! You have ONE life. Use shit as experiences to grow stronger. Fuck everyone that you don’t need. Be good to yourself. Easier said than done. But achievable.

Let people be themselves. I don’t tell anyone what to do, how to live, or how to be. I ask you do the same. I’ve been told that individualism is going to be the death of us all, however, for some people, that’s an easier life to live and stand by. Don’t harm others no matter how deep wounds, hatred, or desires go to. Just stay to yourself or stay with those that you can vibe with instead of pushing yourself onto others.

I’ve been through some extremely painful and difficult times and instead of wallowing myself in deep pain, hurting myself in a dark corner for weeks on end, even years on end, yes, I’ve been there.. I wouldn’t doubt if you can share similar experiences to me… I’ve wasted so much life in pure misery. I have done my best to forgive those that have hurt me and simply spread or do my best to spread good karma now. Karma is usually bullshit, but, it makes me feel good to help others while not condemning and not truly judging them. Everyone claims to not judge, but, you know the fuck they do. Well, I do not since I carry so much diverse experiences everywhere I go. We’ve all been poisoned, and hurt. Forgive. Move forward for you. Please.

And I am so deeply sorry for those that I’ve hurt along the way due to my painful reflecting. Forgive me. I am not the young villain as I used to be. I had to forgive those that have hurt me.

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